Hi! I'm Fletchworks!

I'm an aspiring software engineer based in the UK, I sometimes publish under the name Fletchworks.

I have experience with Python, Web Design, and I'm working on learning React Native.

Featured projects


In development

Aimify is an archery scoring app that is being developed to solve a common issue with the sport, scoring. In between shoots, known as 'ends', archers must awkwardly stand at a target, noting down scores on either paper or their phones

Using an instance segmentation model trained on a custom dataset, Aimify will detect every arrow on each photo snapped by the user then score accordingly, saving time which can be spent on what is important, shooting.

See Aimify's website



Desk2 is a minimalistic desk shelf designed under the principle of "Why not have a desk for your desk"

The end result, designed by Fusion 360, and manufactured using various woodworking techniques, Laser Cutting, and 3D printing, is a 1 meter wide monitor shelf that sits upon your desk

All the schematics, CAD files, and building guides (rather suggestions), are available on Github under a Creative Commons licence

View on Github


In development

FletchVR is an attempt to create a compact motion tracker that relies upon the SlimeVR project's firmware and wiring guides.

The project was started after a friend had ordered some parts and wanted some help putting them together, and myself not wanting to solder many wires, decided it would be easier to make a PCB and matching case to go with

C-19 Patch

Available now

A simple patch designed in Adobe Fresco and Figma to commemorate the best accomodation tent at the Royal International Air Tattoo, C19!

Order your patch now!